The forum guidelines for Teamusing are as follows:
This is a safe place.
There is an absolute zero-tolerance policy for any form of bullying or abusive behaviour of any kind.
Any member's behaviour deemed in violation of this rule will lead to immediate banishment, without warning or recourse.
We encourage all forms of supportive behaviour.
We foster a secure environment where opportunities to discuss different opinions is not only accepted, it is encouraged.
We don't need to agree if we can agree to disagree from time to time.
This is NOT a social media site.
There is an absolute zero-tolerance policy for any form of random selfies, lunch-pics, play-by-play-updates on your dog's whereabouts, or haphazard thoughts about the weather or what a celebrity wore last night.
Seriously, take that fluff somewhere else! This is the place for substance, please.
The views or opinions represented in this forum do not represent those of Teamusing, any people or companies that may or may not be associated with it in a professional or personal capacity, unless stated explicitly. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual here, now, in the past or in the future.